Frequent questions
What currency are the product prices in?
All prices of the products offered in this store are expressed in Colombian pesos (COP).
How long does it take to deliver orders?
Tienda Fundación Gabo does not have an established delivery promise, because the shipping and delivery process of its products is carried out through logistics partners, Deprisa and DHL, which have national and international coverage, respectively. Both carriers have their own delivery promises, which in turn do not exceed the established legal period of 30 business days.
Is shipping included in the product prices?
No, shipments have an additional cost and vary depending on the destination of the shipment. The prices correspond to rates offered by Deprisa and DHL, the two logistics companies allied with the Gabo Foundation Store.
Do you offer international shipping?
Yes, international shipping coverage is divided into four zones: America, Europe, Asia, and Oceania and Africa. These shipments are made by DHL.